Start-Up Skills: LinkedIn 101 The Basic Tenets of the World’s Most Powerful B2B Platform

Learn how the world’s most popular Business to Business platform can help you develop your professional online presence, grow your personal brand and attract job opportunities.

Learning Objectives.  By the end of this session, the learner will have:

  • Gained insights into the history of LinkedIn, and where the platform is headed for professionals
  • Identified the top six sections of a graduate’s LinkedIn profile 
  • Learned about some of LinkedIn’s features that can help with research for both profile optimization and content creation

Leanne Calderwood, believes developing a personal brand is key to setting yourself apart in any market.   Serving in the meetings and events industry for over 20 years, Leanne has seen the power of LinkedIn at work as one of the most effective platforms for building trust in your community growing your network of connections.  Her blog and resources at help sales professionals find their voice and create a compelling profile that attracts business and opportunities.  

Event Details

1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EST (10:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. PST)

Student Event (although all welcome)

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