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AI4Canada Podcast as part of our AI4Canada initiative. In this podcast series, we bring #AI experts from Canada and around the globe to discuss the importance of AI adoption and the impact for the future in Canada.
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Episode 8: Accelerating Indigenous Tech Entrepreneurship with Josh Nilson
In this episode of the TECHNATION #AI4Canada podcast, Josh Nilson speaks with Angela Mondou, TECHNATION’s President and CEO, about accelerating Indigenous tech entrepreneurship. Josh is a Métis man from northern B.C., founder of Maskwa Investments, providing pre-seed investments and mentorships in Indigenous tech companies, and co-founder and former CEO and General Manager of East Side Games. Josh shares his journey embarking into the tech sector, how we can better support Indigenous tech entrepreneurship and leaders, and how we can drive prosperity in Canada by leveraging technology.
Episode 7: Accelerating AI Adoption: Trust, Transparency, Skills and Interoperability with David Morgenstern
In this episode of the TECHNATION #AI4Canada podcast, David Morgenstern, President, Accenture speaks to Angela Mondou, TECHNATION’s President and CEO, around the potential for substantial economic growth, productivity gains, and the creation of new opportunities.
Episode 6: Accelerating Canada’s AI Talent Readiness with Tony Holmes
In this episode of the TECHNATION #AI4Canada podcast, Tony Holmes, Practice Lead for Solutions Architects, Public Sector, Pluralsight, speaks to Angela Mondou, TECHNATION’s President and CEO, about addressing the AI skills gap by harnessing the skills and global thinking from broad communities, and the role that adaptability, resilience and creativity play in successful AI adoption.
Episode 5: An Inside-Out Approach to Responsible AI Development with Pam Snively
How can GenAI improve productivity for corporations and SMEs? On the fifth episode of our AI4Canada podcast, Pamela Snively, Chief Data & Trust Officer, TELUS, speaks with Angela Mondou ICD.D., President and CEO, TECHNATION
Episode 4: Is GenAI the Steam Engine of the 4th Industrial Revolution? with Jeremy Jurgens
Jeremy Jergens Managing Director & Head of the Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution at World Economic Forum, speaks with Angela Mondou ICD.D., President and CEO, TECHNATION, about how other countries and companies around the world are adopting AI and learn about best practices from AI experts and global leaders.
Episode 3: AI Readiness: Intentions Outpacing Ability with Robert Barton
Robert Barton, CTO, Cisco and Angela Mondou ICD.D., President and CEO, TECHNATION, discuss Canada’s AI readiness, what we need to do to accelerate AI adoption, and what developments in AI we can expect.
Episode 2: Buying the Future We Want: AI, Sustainability & Procurement with Frances Edmonds
Angela Mondou, President and CEO of TECHNATION Canada had an in-depth conversation with Frances Edmonds, Head of Sustainable Impact at HP Canada. In this episode, Angela and Frances discuss GenAI as a strategy for sustainability and what AI innovation exists to support the management of net-zero targets.
Episode 1: The State of GenAI and Canada’s Competitve Edge with Ashok Krish
Angela Mondou, President and CEO of TECHNATION Canada had an in-depth conversation with Ashok Krish who leads the AI.Cloud Advisory & Consulting function at Tata Consultancy Services. In this episode, they discuss how enterprises globally are adopting GenAI and the unique advantages Canadian businesses possess.
TECHNATION has partnered with TheFutureEconomy.ca on a new podcast series, featuring thought leaders in Canada’s tech ecosystem, including business leaders, entrepreneurs, government officials, investors, and others – all tech influencers and change agents – focused on getting Canada back in the game!
Disrupting the Dialogue on Diversity Panel:
TECHNATION Annual General Meeting with female tech leaders
Driving Canadian Tech Competitiveness:
Kevin Peesker, President, Microsoft
Canada’s International Network and Tech-Driven Economy:
John Stackhouse, Senior VP, Office of the CEO, RBC
Canada’s Digital Payments Revolution:
Angela Brown, President & CEO, Moneris
Reshoring to Strengthen Canada’s Supply Chains:
Sandra Pupatello, Co-Founder – Reshoring Canada
How Canada Can Win the War for Tech Talent:
Sean Hinton, CEO and Founder, SkyHive Technologies
The Cyber Safe Cities Podcast series concluded in 2022 and was brought to you by the Municipal Cybersecurity Best Practices Initiative, funded in part by Public Safety Canada under its Cyber Security Cooperation Program. Learn more about the initiative.
Incident Response Preparedness
Wadeed Mian, Vice-president of Digital Forensics and Incident Response, ISA Cybersecurity, shares his vast knowledge of how to proactively plan for a cyber-attack and manage cyber risk.
Read the transcript (English)
Read the transcript (Français)
Threat Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
Ashley Lukeeram, Tenable Inc., answers questions around cyber security risk for municipalities to consider as they develop their risk assessment plans.
Read the transcript (English)
Read the transcript (Français)
Working with Law Enforcement
Detective Sergeant Vern Crowley with the Cyber Crime Investigation Team, Ontario Provincial Police, provides details on how working in law enforcement into your business response plan can be vital to not only protect your municipality, but also track down repeat offenders.
Read the transcript (English)
Read the transcript (Français)
10 Questions to Ask to Secure your Organization
Ruth Promislow, partner at Bennett Jones LLP educates on 10 questions municipalities should ask their internal teams to assess their cyber risk and safety.
Security Audits and Assessments
Kevin De Snayer, National Cybersecurity Specialist with Calian, discusses why and how to perform cybersecurity audits and assessments.
Dealing with Cyber Attacks and Steps to Take
Sheldon Shaw, Vice President of Infrastructure and Innovation with CyberNB, elaborates on how to deal with cyber-attacks and steps to secure your organization
General Incident Management
Randy Purse, Senior Cybersecurity Advisor with the Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst discusses where to start in addressing your cyber risk, and how you can leverage your existing team to help secure your municipality.
Managing Third Party Vendors and Risk
Tyson Johnson, CEO of Cyber New Brunswick (CyberNB) provides details for municipalities to consider when dealing with third-party vendors and the risks associated with potential cyber attacks and breaches to their systems. Tyson discusses a series of questions to ask your third-party vendors and internal team to ensure you can manage your risk accordingly.
Cyber Safe Cities Podcast – A Teaser
This podcast looks at the ways Canadian municipalities can ensure they are cyber safe. We’ll be chatting with industry experts about best practices and their experience in the cybersecurity field. We look to demystify cybersecurity, show you where to get started tackling your cyber risk, and provide tactical tips and tools that municipalities can implement today.