Topic: IDC Tech Market Spotlight: Back to the Future for Canadian Consumers
Description: The last 2 years have left an indelible impact on Canadian consumers. From the growing importance of online purchasing, an increase in the number of computing devices in Canadian households, and how the supply chain issues are affecting technology suppliers and consumers.
Join IDC’s Jean Philippe Bouchard, Manish Nargas, and Shahd Elashri as they discuss the impact of the current pandemic on the Canadian landscape and try to define what constitutes the next normal for Canadian consumers.
Key Takeaways
• Which devices and services are Canadians most dependent on?
• The last 2 years in review – who are the winners and losers in the Canadian consumer technology space?
• On what are Canadian consumers spending their disposable income?
• What should be expected in the next 12 to 18 months?
This is an open invitation! Please extend this invitation to anyone in your network that would be interested in the topic.Time
Feb 17, 2022 02:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Event Details