Committees & Task Forces

Our committees and task forces connect our members with future partners.

We connect our members with strategic partner organizations and federal and regional government officials and policy makers. Participants also help direct the activities of the Association through key events and initiatives.

For more information about participation in any of the TECHNATION Health Committees please contact Elaine Huesing, Executive Director, at ehuesing@technationcanada or 780-489-4521.

Health Advocacy Committee (HAC)

Co-Chairs:  Phil Alcaidinho (MEDITECH) and Kevin McConomy (Infosys) 


To promote investment in health ICT and represent the interests of the Canadian health ICT industry to government, key decision makers and opinion leaders.

  • Execute on specific advocacy activities to promote the interest of the broader membership aligned to the priorities identified in the strategic plan.
  • Meet one-on-one with Ministers of Health (Federal and Provincial) to promote investment in health ICT.
  • Support the provincial Ministers of Health through collaboration and information sharing with other Ministers, government officials, decision-makers and opinion leaders to promote Technation Health’s priorities.
  • Open up channels for dialogue between senior public servants, decision-makers in the broader health sector (e.g. regional CEO’s and CIO’s), opinion leaders (e.g. medical and hospital associations), and the Health ICT industry
  • Organize opportunities for the membership to engage directly with key decision makers and politicians (e.g. Queen’s Park Days, Provincial eHealth Briefings etc.)


  • Effectively influence public policy:
    • Deliver ‘Queen’s Park Day’ style events in BC, AB and ON – others
    • Target advocacy work on advancing the adoption of TECHNATION Health’s priority innovative technologies:
      1. Virtual Care
      2. Cloud Computing
      3. Advanced Analytics/AI/ML
      4. Consumer Health
      5. IOT/Mobility
    • Create TECHNATION Health positions on each of the five areas. Positions could over areas such as: patient/provider/system benefits, ROI, facts/myths, practical steps, blockers, recommendations etc.
    • Identify policy blockers and barriers and address at political and senior decision-making levels.
  • Improve public & private sector procurement:
    • Continued work of the Procurement Task Force to collaborate with the Public Sector to seek methods of procurement innovation.
    • Develop TECHNATION Health positions on large-scale EMR refresh strategies and procurement – having a large scale view point
    • Collaboration with Advocacy committee to elevate the procurement conversation to political layers.


  • Identify influence plan (metric: documented strategy)
  • Execute on stated influence activity (metrics: # of sr.-level meetings, completion of “Queen’s Park Days”)
  • Creation of position papers (metrics: # of papers)
  • Influence outcomes – when possible to report on the how the activities of the committee actually moved the needle on policy decisions


Health Interoperability & Standards Committee

Co-Chairs: Gavin Tong (Accenture) and Rob Gordanier (IBM)


To create policy recommendations that will help shape the direction of Canadian healthcare systems interoperability standards, and to socialize those recommendations with government agencies and ministries to influence their procurement processes.

  • To present a unified industry voice and consultation vehicle for government, associations and policy makers and standard setting bodies.
  • To assist the vendor community to become more knowledgeable about standards and interoperability issues and solutions and to share this knowledge and expertise.
  • Develop skills and knowledge exchange amongst the members and the wider informatics community.
  • To formulate positions on issues that may arise with respect to standards and regulations, and undertake work to establish how best to address and resolve these issues.
  • To promote and facilitate the establishment of national functionality standards, conformance testing and certification processes, including privacy and security issues, so as to facilitate a “level playing field” for all vendors predicated on quality assurance for the marketplace.
  • To ensure the development of secure electronic sharing of patient information (with appropriate patient and physician consent) between vendor systems through the use of Canadian and international interoperability standards.
  • To help members adopt internationally accepted standards to allow Canadian companies to sell abroad.


  • Shape provincial & federal ICT standards/regulation:
    • ISC to follow through on national survey recommendations to advance TECHNATION’s position on Canadian Interoperability Standards.
    • Grow the relevance of ISC through additional members and partnerships with other standards bodies.
    • Other areas to target include: consumer health, certification, patient safety, credentialing initiatives, devices, personalized medicine etc.


  • Identify ISC priorities and plan (metric: documented strategy)
  • Execute on stated activity (metrics: # of events)
  • Creation of position papers (metrics: # of papers)
  • ISC outcomes – when possible to report on the how the activities of the committee actually moved the needle on standards and regulatory decisions

Task Forces and Special Interest Groups:

  • TECHNATION Health (ISC) – Interoperability Standards Recommendations Task Force –Terms of Reference