About the Platform
Wouldn’t it be refreshing to find a job and career information site that had up to date Canadian labour market data? TECHNATION’s CareerFinder is here!
Our labour market data is real-time; meaning it is fresh every day. You can access the latest insights on top skills required, salary level, number of vacancies, and market demand behind every job you search at a city, provincial, and national level. We also show you the geographic hotspots for specific jobs.
Using world-leading AI/machine learning technology, we can identify emerging skills most frequently requested by employers. We can tell you precisely what skills employers are searching for in their next hire, beyond just the salary and job demand of that role.
To help you better navigate the complexity of job levels, specialization, and job transition options among cybersecurity roles in the marketplace, we created job descriptions that you can review, download and edit for your use.
Coming soon – the ability to sort by the top tech job categories – AI, Cybersecurity, Traditional Tech (e.g. Software Engineer) and Hybrid Roles (e.g. Digital Marketing)