The Ontario Public Sector Business Committee (ON-PSBC) is designed for our members who do business with the Ontario Government.
Members promote access, innovation and influence with government leaders. ON-PSBC also monitors, assesses and advises on procurement policies and practices.
ON-PSBC shapes messaging brought to the Ontario Government. This is your one-stop shop for all insights related to the Ontario Government.
The date for the next ON PSBC member only meeting is January 31, 2020: Fireside Chat with Fausto Iannialice, Director, Ontario Broadband and Digital Strategy Branch.
Fausto has served in the Ontario Public Service for over 10 years in a variety of positions in the Ministries of Education, Health, Cabinet Office and Infrastructure. Currently leading the development Up to Speed: Ontario’s Provincial Broadband and Cellular Action Plan. The action plan focuses on facilitating partnerships with other levels of government and the private sector to expand access to broadband and cellular services to unserved and underserved communities.
Please watch your inbox for the registration link which will be distributed to all members of the Public Sector Business Committee. If you are a member and would like to be added to the distribution list, please contact Denise Shortt, VP, Industry Development.
Event Details
Toronto / Teleconference
9:00-11:00 am