Career Fair: Virtual Tech Talent Day
Every year, BC Jobs hosts a Career Fair for hundreds of amazingly talented tech professionals. This year, we have decided to partner with them to make a national event open to all Career Ready student participants.
One thing companies have learned through the pandemic is that talent can be anywhere! Remote work is the new normal, resulting in recruiters looking beyond their cities and provinces for professionals in tech.
With this Tech Talent Day, you can finally get the chance to meet recruiters and technical reps from some of the country’s best companies in a friendly and easy-going virtual environment. This is where you can learn about new opportunities, build a strong connection, and even share about your past projects.
Candidates are guaranteed a chance to speak with every company and their hiring managers – either during the sessions, networking room, or in the expo.
Event Details
For students and tech professionals
6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. PST)